Ny rapport om skadeverkningar av cannabis

Mary Brett, Bsc Hons, från Storbritannien har i dagarna publicerat en intressant rapport om skadeverkningar av cannabis.

Rapporten, som också innehåller ett omfattande referensmaterial,  finns i skrivande stund endast tillgänglig på engelska.

Cannabis - A General Survey of its Harmful Effects (87 sidor)

Introduction and general facts
Cannabis and the cardiovascular system
Cannabis and its effects on the immune system
Cannabis, depression, aggression, violence and suicide
Cannabis and driving
Cannabis and cancer
Cannabis and dependence
Cannabis and the gateway effect
Effects of cannabis use on the reproductive system, pregnancy and development of children
Effects of cannabis on cognitive functioning, personality and educational performance
Cannabis and mental illness (psychosis/schizophrenia)
Summary of papers on the damaging effects of cannabis

Om du vill ha en kopia av rapporten (PDF-fil 754K) skickar du ett epostmeddelande med namn och e-postadress till [email protected]

Läs också:
Cannabis – a drug more dangerous than heroin

Torgny Peterson


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